We will offer you the most picturesque and interesting routes, already checked by numerous guests. With our experienced yacht captain, you will enjoy the special aesthetics of sea voyages. Sailing yachts are much more romantic and more interesting than all other types of ships - to travel the sea under sails, who did not have such a dream? Rent a yacht in Montenegro with the team is an excellent holiday plan for a small and friendly company! Boko-Kotor Bay is a romantic place with quiet water, where it is easy to learn how to sail a yacht. In addition to renting yachts in Montenegro, there is a professional yacht school. Upon completion of training, the student receives a real license to sail the yacht. If you have long considered yourself a man of the sea and you already have it - renting yachts in Montenegro without a team will be a worthy choice for you! We will arrange a yacht cruise along the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas with a visit to unique historical sites, a pilgrimage tour of monasteries and churches in Montenegro, fishing, hunting, we will teach you how to to yacht sailing and motorboat and will help you to get a license, and if you already have it, we will provide a yacht for rent.
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Mittelmäßig: Bei einer Stornierung bis 31 Tage vor dem Anreisedatum werden 100% und bei einer Stornierung bis 8 Tage vor dem Anreisedatum 50% des Preises für die Yacht erstattet. mehr
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