You will sail among one of the most beautiful seas in the world between the islands of La Maddalena and southern Corsica. We will cross the majestic BONIFACIO MOUTHS famous for its white towering cliffs and some of the islands which we will visit are: CAPRERA, La Maddalena, SPARGI, BUDELLI, RAZZOLI, SANTA MARIA, Lavezzi and PIANA ISLAND. It will be a unique and unforgettable experience, in the morning you will be awakened by the sound of fish and at night lulled by the waves of the sea. We will make two different anchorages per day and you will discover the thrill of sleeping in the harbor, where you will only be surrounded by the immensity of the sea and the glow of the stars.
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Flexibel: Bei einer Stornierung bis zu 7 Tagen vor dem Check-in werden 100% und bei einer Stornierung bis zu 1 Tag vor dem Check-in werden 50% der Yachtgebühr erstattet. mehr
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